How Free Grace Led to the Separation of Church and StateSeparation of church and state is one of America’s most important values, written into the First Amendment. However, when the first…Mar 2Mar 2
How New York Became America’s Largest CityColonial New York was not the largest city this side of the Atlantic. Boston often imported and exported more, and Philly had more people…Apr 5, 2024Apr 5, 2024
Why Southern Cities Have Low DensityThe South’s legacy of rural life has transformed into a present of suburban life. With cities like Charleston, Savannah, Memphis, New…Mar 28, 2024Mar 28, 2024
Why Grand Rapids is Doing So Much Better than FlintMost Midwestern cities were founded at points of geographic convenience that lowered shipping costs, lowered manufactured costs, or both…Mar 28, 2024Mar 28, 2024
How Des Moines Surpassed Dubuque and Davenport to Become Iowa’s Largest CityNot long after Iowa achieved statehood in 1846, it began to develop towns on its eastern edge, which was also the western bank of the…Mar 14, 2024Mar 14, 2024
How French and Spanish Settlers Set the Foundation for America’s BordersIf you look at the places settled by the French, such as Montreal, Pittsburgh, Detroit, St. Louis, New Orleans, and Mobile, all look like…Mar 14, 2024Mar 14, 2024
How Electricity Gave Birth to Urban SprawlAs Los Angelehas begun to “rebuild” its transit network in recent years, there’s been a romantic yearning among some transit lovers for…Mar 14, 2024Mar 14, 2024
Why the Largest Naval Bases are in Norfolk and San DiegoNorfolk, like San Diego, looks like a spot for a great port. A short trip from a sheltered harbor to the open sea, combined with a long…Mar 14, 2024Mar 14, 2024
Why Dallas Surpassed WacoLocated on the Brazos, one of the longest rivers in Texas, Waco developed into a town after a bridge was built over the river along the…Mar 13, 2024Mar 13, 2024
Why Metro Boston Soared Past Metro Baltimore in PopulationBaltimore had some of the best urban geography in the East. Sitting on the Fall Line and at a great location for a seaport, it was well…Mar 12, 2024Mar 12, 2024